
The Nuclear Regulation Authority will delay unveiling an interim report on restarting two reactors at a plant in Kagoshima Prefecture, sources matter said Monday.

The NRA had planned to present the draft to its decision-making panel Wednesday, but regulators judged that further evaluation was needed for measures to deal with severe accidents proposed by the plant’s operator, Kyushu Electric Power Co., the sources said.

Once finalized, the report is expected to give the green light to restart the two-reactor Sendai plant, which is the closest to meeting the new safety standards introduced after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis.

All of Japan’s 48 commercial reactors remain offline in the wake of the March 2011 debacle at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 complex.

After compiling the draft, the agency will solicit comments from the public for a month. The final version will be completed when the comments are collated.


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